Hi – Phil here. I help challenger companies tell their story, find more good customers online and compete with the big players.
  • UX/UI design
  • Branding
  • 20 Years of experience
  •  In-house
Hi – Phil here. I help challenger companies tell their story, find more good customers online and compete with the big players.

»It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be.

Paul Arden



Let’s dive into your brand. Let’s create a stable vision with concrete solutions.

With 20 years of hands-on experience in all areas related to digital marketing, together we can gain a solid understanding of your brand and translate this into a comprehensive brand presence.

Let’s take complex perspectives with simple prompts. Let’s use modern marketing techniques, including AI.

With well-managed AI, alternatives can be visualized, solutions found and processes accelerated that are tailored to your target group - quickly, flexibly and always with a clear focus on your individual requirements.


Von Kampagnenplanung bis Conversion-Optimierung – ich zeige Ihnen, wie KI Ihre Prozesse effizienter macht.

Modernes Online-Marketing ermöglicht eine Reihe hocheffizienter Automatisierungen, die dank KI zunehmend einfach zu bedienen und auch zu skalieren sind.

Von niedrigen Budgets nahtlos zu wachsen, ist so auch für kleine Marketing-Teams einfach zu realisieren.

Clear the way for customers and employees. Let us adapt your website efficiently.

With state-of-the-art technology and a precise eye for technical details, we work together to ensure that your website functions smoothly and offers a memorable user experience.

20  Years.


PDF Software

Sr. Lead Designer | 2018-24
  • 3 million website visitors per month
  • 30% conversion rate on product pages
  • 50% sales growth in 5 years

Wellness Fashion

Günder | 2019-21
  • 40€ shopping cart
  • 600% ROAS on Facebook ads
  • 2000 customers in 1 year
  • <1% returns

Nutrition Supplements

Marketing Manager | 2017-18
  • Newsletter management: planning and sending newsletters to 100,000+ subscribers (3x weekly)
  • Coordinating design and printing for gift card launches
  • Data management & GDPR: Implementation of data protection-compliant processes

Private Cloud Servers

Lead Frontend Developer | 2015-17
  • Introduction of fluid web design: Integration of desktop and mobile versions into one layout instead of separate pages
  • Own Google Analytics extension for detailed user activity tracking
  • Stripe API integration: secure payment for subscriptions


Personal recommendations
Frank Kettenstock
Foxit CMO | 09-23
Led Foxit from €50M to €75M annual revenue
"I worked with Phil twice – in 2 different companies – for about 7 years in total.

All-in work mentality and outstanding communication skills made him one of the most valuable members of the Foxit and Protonet marketing team.

With Phil you get brand strategies , product pages, campaigns, user interfaces, analytics and tech, even a mouthful of business background. He's definitely one of the most holistic people in marketing I know."
Jennifer Seidel
Foxit Head of HR | 21-24
Paved the way for 500+ employees internationally
"With Phil we were able to set up top employer branding and go live with the first career page.

He delves into the subject matter, soaks up all the details and can immediately grasp the product, strategy and idea in its entirety. He manages to create USPs in a charming, precise and clever way and create winning campaigns.

I appreciate his incredible creativity and the dose of business punk in his heart!"

Let's talk.


Nicht viel auf Social Media. Hab' aber einen aktiven tiktok Account. 🥐 Kaum bis keine AI Tools verwendet.

Just kidding.🪼No doxing today.

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